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The promised land: the children's Bible where all the characters are animals

Haakon Lie
Produktnummer: 9788269357530

inkl. mva.

  • Utgivelsesår: 2024
  • Forlag: Fennec
  • Alder: 3-9
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Innbinding: Innbundet
  • Antall sider: 216
  • Forfatter: Haakon Lie
  • Illustratør: Haakon Lie
  • Serie: Lion of Judah
  • Nummer i serien: 1
  • Originaltittel: Løfteslandet: barnebibelen hvor alle karakterene er dyr

Join the living world of the Bible with THE PROMISED LAND - the children's Bible where all the characters are animals! You may have heard that Jesus is like a lion and a lamb, but did you know that Pharaoh is called a crocodile? And that Joseph is called a bull with big horns?

See how God creates the world and plants a beautiful garden in the land of Eden. God puts Adam and Eve in charge of the earth. In the garden there is an evil and cunning snake that tricks them, so they have to leave the garden. The wickedness of the serpent fills the world. Does God have a plan, or will the serpent win?

Read The Promised Land and experience God's mystery. This is the first of three books in the Lion of Judah trilogy.